Post Jam version is out!

Hi everyone!

The voting time for the Ludum Dare is almost out, and I wanted to share with you guys the post jam version of the game. I was amazed by all the comments and advices I had and was motivated to improve the game.

This new version is available here:

I basically took all the comments, and draw from them a list of improvements to be done, that I added to the ideas I already have previously. From all of this. I compiled a roadmap for the project, and started with smaller updates for this post release version.

In it, you will find the following improvements:

  • Crashing on skyline is removed. It was unclear and not very logical
  • Overall change of UI. Texts are more readable and menus are clearer
  • Reduced rotation speed of the user and scrolling speed of the backgrounds. This  is because after a while it caused diziness.
  • Changed the city and sky assets with simpler ones, less colored. This is to reduce the potential distraction from having too much information on screen
  • Improved intruction page. Now you know exactly how it works.
  • Made intro text "skippable", they get printed directly if you click "Next" before the end.
  • Fixed ennemy spawning. They don't get too high or too low anymore
  • Changed clouds assets and made them bigger. They are easier to spot
  • Changed speed of birds. They were sometimes way too fast
  • Changed scoring. You get one point for each seconds  alive and five for each cloud collected

Let me know how you like this new version! And new content will arrive regularly in the days to come, such as music or mobile support for instance.

Files Play in browser
Oct 05, 2020

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